Summit Trend in the News: Dying Well

A conversation with Henry Fersko-Weiss, inventor of the death doula concept—Global Wellness Summit
From what’s the most important thing death doulas provide to why you can’t have a good death if you haven’t lived a well life.

Death Is Inevitable. His Job Is to Help You Go in Peace.Esquire
Hiring a death doula can make you feel kind of okay about dying.

Dying WellTED Radio Hour, NPR
Is there a way to talk about death candidly, without fear…and even with humor? This hour, TED speakers explore the beauty of life…and death.

Baby boomers are hiring death doulas and aiming for the grave on their own termsABC Australia
Baby boomers are thumbing their noses at tradition and pre-planning their deaths by engaging death doulas, visiting death cafes, and even opting for burial without a coffin.

This is an excerpt from the TRENDIUM, a bi-weekly communication exploring the wellness trends identified in the 2018 Global Wellness Trends Report.
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