Trend in the News (July 24th, 2024)

Trend: A New Era of ‘Wellness-Art-Tainment’: More High-Tech, Multisensory Experiments in Spa and Wellness Week of July 24th, 2024 Meow Wolf’s co-founder is building Submersive, a trippy, multisensory spa brand of the future–Fast Company  More details on Meow Wolf’s co-founder’s new multisensory bathhouse concept, Submersive, where each bathhouse room will have its own unique look, sound, and temperature—from a neon pink techno-esque atmosphere to a…

Trend: A New Era of ‘Wellness-Art-Tainment’–More High-Tech, Multisensory Experiments in Spa and Wellness

Trend: A New Era of ‘Wellness-Art-Tainment’–More High-Tech, Multisensory Experiments in Spa and Wellness Thanks to new technologies such as generative AI, projection mapping and spatial sound, more immersive, awe-inspiring wellness experiences that engage all the senses are on the rise Our 2024 trend, “A New Multisensory, Immersive Art for Wellness,” explores how multisensory art installations and experiences are hitting so many spaces: museums, art galleries…

Trend in the News (June 18th, 2024)

Trend: Saunas and Social Connection Week of June 18th, 2024 The heat is on: mobile sauna heralds a new breed of experimental hot boxes– Wallpaper Emma O’Kelly delves into the evolving landscape of mobile sauna design in Germany, Norway, and the UK. These innovative design approaches are bringing this ancient tradition into the contemporary era. As a result, sauna is attracting new enthusiasts who are…

Trend: Saunas and Social Connection

Trend: Saunas and Social Connection   Whether it’s a NYC urban bathhouse becoming a “hot new party place,” an outdoor sauna on a UK beach being dubbed the “new pub,” or bathhouses in China fully decked out with cinemas, mahjong areas, and karaoke, saunas are becoming the new social wellness hubs.   Social saunas and bathhouses are fast emerging as a remedy to some key issues:…

Trend in the News (May 21st, 2024)

Trend: More “Nighttime Wellness”  Week of May 21st, 2024 From midnight swims to post-dinner meditation, after-dark wellness is the latest trend–Conde Nast Traveler  In-depth article on the wellness benefits (especially for sexual wellbeing) of the new “after-dark wellness” programming. How hotels and resorts are stepping up the nighttime wellness experiences in beautiful, natural places, from yoga under the moonlight to overnight adventures in the wild,…

Trend: More “Nighttime Wellness”

Trend: More “Nighttime Wellness”   In a world becoming unbearably hot, and with younger gens ditching booze and bars for healthy social destinations, after-dark wellness experiences are rising: from stargazing and full-moon meditation at resorts to a wave of urban social bathhouses that are the “hot new party scene”  Wellness experiences and spa hours have long been a daytime affair. But because of our increasingly heat-crushed…

TREND in the News (April 17th, 2024)

Trend: Wellness Retreats Finally Take a Human Approach to Men   Week of April 17th, 2024 Goodbye, tough guy. More men are rejecting the finance bro stereotype and going on retreats to learn empathy–Fortune How more men, hitting crises in their lives, are heading to men’s retreats such as Evryman and Junto, that challenge the age-old idea of stoic, self-sufficient masculinity. The retreat-goers report that they…

Trend: Wellness Retreats Finally Take a Human Approach to Men

Trend: Wellness Retreats Finally Take a Human Approach to Men    The wellness world has reinforced clichéd views of masculinity: all the warrior-like fitness challenges and extreme biohacks. But a shift is underway, and a key example is new wellness retreats that focus on men’s social and emotional wellbeing. There’s a huge opportunity for the wellness industry if it embraces a more nuanced view of masculinity.…

The Trend in the News: Postpartum Retreats Are Really Taking Off 

Trend: Postpartum Retreats Are Really Taking Off  Week of March 20th, 2024 Luxury Postnatal Retreats Draw Affluent Parents Around the US–Bloomberg, March 11, 2024 A great in-depth overview of why and how more postpartum retreat centers are opening across the US, capitalizing on the profound dearth of postnatal support services in the country—while their high prices also highlight a gap in access. The retreats report…

Trend: Postpartum Retreats Are Really Taking Off

Trend: Postpartum Retreats Are Really Taking Off  If Asia has long had a tradition of destinations that provide rest, recovery and wellness for moms right after birth, now far more postpartum retreats are opening westward—from the US to Dubai   Following childbirth, new moms, particularly outside Asia, find themselves in a care “desert.” They’re quickly kicked out of the hospital, and all attention is focused on…

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